L'équipe de recherche Développement optimal des jeunes en contextes éducatifs, dont font partie plusieurs chercheurs du GRIP-UL, est heureuse de vous inviter à cette conférence qui aura lieu le 30 août 2024, à 15h, au local DES-0134. La conférence sera offerte en comodal; le lien de connexion vous sera communiqué à la suite de votre inscription. Pour vous inscrire, merci d'envoyer un courriel à grip@psy.ulaval.ca.
Voici un résumé de la conférence et une présentation de monsieur Koestner:
The Motivation Equation: How self-determination theory can guide us to set, pursue, and attain (or let go of) our goals more effectively.
The speaker will explore factors that interfere with our capacity to successfully attain personal goals. After outlining common errors made in goal setting, Richard will describe how self-determination theory has allowed him to identify ways to improve our goal pursuits.
The talk is based on 25-year program of research on goal setting among university students, community adults, and patients in treatment. The talk is designed to provide practical information for use in our professional and personal lives.
Background Information. Richard Koestner is a professor of Psychology at McGill University where he has conducted research on human motivation for over 35 years. Richard Koestner has published over 250 scientific articles, and his recent work focuses on how to effectively set and pursue personal goals.
Richard received the 2007 Canadian Psychological Association award for excellence in teaching and training. In 2021 he received CPA Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Science.
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